Terms & Conditions

(Version 4th January 2024)

`We` or `Our` or `Us`- Land Owner/s and/or Paws Playfield Datchworth Ltd - Reg No 13224291. Reg Office: Lewis House, Great Chesterford Court, Great Chesterford, Essex, CB10 1PF.

‘Field’ - includes the 4.5 acre playing field and adjacent 1 acre woodland area.

`You` - any persons using the playing Field (including any children/family/friends accompanying).

These Terms and Conditions permit You to use the Field for exercising dogs under your close personal supervision at all times. When making a booking You agree to abide by and accept all of the following:


Bookings are subject to availability and only available online via our website.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING BANNED BREEDS - If you own a dog currently on the banned breed list (including XL bully ‘types’) you MUST have a Certificate of Exemption (by 31.1.24 for XL bully ‘types’) & Public Liability Insurance, copies of which MUST be sent to Us prior to your visit (no later than 48 hours prior), failure to do so will mean your session will be cancelled. Your dog must also be microchipped and neutered (in line with the government timescales/age). Your dog must be muzzled and on a lead whilst in the parking area and you MUST lock the gate so no one can gain access. Once you are securely INSIDE the field, you can then remove the lead & muzzle. Before returning to the parking area you MUST put your dog back on the lead and place the muzzle back on BEFORE entering the parking area & car.

XL Bullies can be off-lead and unmuzzled (once safely inside the field) with their own household dogs - no requirement for extra household humans - you can have just one human with them (over the age of 18) in the field and with the other household dogs. There can be no humans from other households.

If there are dogs from different households the banned breed will need to remain muzzled and on a lead at all times with a 1:1 handler.

PLEASE DO NOT PROCEED WITH YOUR BOOKING if you do not wish to comply with the requirements.

On completion of your booking, You will receive a confirmation email.

The padlock code for the entrance gate, which is changed on a regular basis, will be noted on your reminder email that You will be sent 24 hours prior to your session. You must not give the gate code to anyone else or leave the gate unlocked for another person.

Bookings are non-transferable to another person. The person making the booking must be present and ensure that anyone else attending is made aware of and adheres to these Terms and Conditions.

Payment – Full payment must be made with the booking, by debit or credit card. No booking will be valid without payment unless agreed by Us.

All payments are non-refundable unless the booking is cancelled by Us, for whatever reason, at our discretion. You are able to reschedule your session to an alternative date via your original booking confirmation email as long as you are within our minimum notice period of 24 hours. Alternatively we can issue a prepaid coupon code to use on another booking (as long as you are within our minimum notice period of 24 hours).

It is your responsibility to check that You have received a confirmation email and that You have booked the correct day and times.

All admittance is by prior booking only - under no circumstances are You to turn up please without booking an appointment.

Arriving at and leaving the parking area

There is a small parking area prior to entering the Field for your use. NB - TWO PARKING SPACES PER SESSION - PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE PARKING AREA IF IT IS STILL OCCUPIED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Please DO NOT park OR WAIT in front of the entrance gate (especially if the car park is being used ) and DO NOT park on the passing point opposite the entrance gate. Sessions start on the hour, every hour and are for 50 minutes. This 10 minute buffer is to ensure a smooth transition between visitors. You agree NOT to arrive early for your session and You agree to leave the Field and parking area in good time ahead of the next session.  Please remain vigilant when arriving as the previous user of the Field may not have travelled by car.

If You arrive late for your scheduled time, please ensure You still leave on time, despite arriving late for your session. If You do arrive late You can always contact Us on 07818 400738 so We can advise You whether or not there is another session booked after yours, if not it may be possible for Us to extend your session, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Once You have parked, the front gate must be padlocked before You let your dog/s out of the car.

Some dogs using Our Field may have behavioural issues and/or be reactive to other dogs and/or people. If other users are still on-site when You arrive whether it be in the Field or parking area, You and your dog/s must remain in the car until they have left.

Your dog/s must be kept on a lead at all times in the parking area.

Please ensure that the front gate is padlocked when You leave.

All vehicles and contents are left at the owner's risk.

Entering and leaving the Field

Please ensure the inner gate is closed correctly behind You after entering and when You leave the Field.

At the start of each visit, You agree to check that the Field is suitable for your dog/s before letting it off-lead. This is your responsibility entirely. We cannot accept responsibility for any escapees. Our fences are between 1m to 1.5m high with some natural hedgerows behind the lower height fencing. If your dog/s are able to jump this height of fence, the Field will not be totally secure for them.

Use of the Field

You agree not to let anyone else into the playing Field, other than any friends or family members that arrived with You and that You have booked a session for the correct number of dogs.

You are solely responsible for picking up your dog poo.  Please remember to bring your own dog poo bags and use the bin provided in the parking area to dispose of them. Help Us keep the Field clean and dog poo free for everyone’s enjoyment. There are generally some thicker poo bags that we provide in an emergency and we try to keep these topped up.

Dog owners not picking up after their dog/s may result in them being banned from future use of the Field.

Paws Playfield is strictly a No Smoking and No Vaping area. No smoking of any kind is permitted in the parking area, field or woodland. It is a major fire risk, especially in dry weather.

Do not drop litter anywhere, please use the bin provided in the parking area to dispose of it. The bin provided is for general litter, broken toys & poo bags. Please do not abuse it by emptying the contents of your car!

Any toys You bring must be removed at the end of your session.

All dogs using the Field are known to each other and are already socialised with each other.

All dogs using the Field should already be known and have already socialised with each other. If not, You agree that We have no liability arising from this.

We welcome children, but an adult must supervise them at all times whilst in the Field or parking area. Responsibility for any child remains entirely with You. 

Please do not move or climb on any equipment, fence, gate, or seating in the Field. The agility equipment is strictly for dog use only.

All and any equipment belongs to Us and must not be removed from the Field by You.

Do not allow your dog to dig holes in the Field.

You agree to only use our Field when both You and your dog/s are well.  Should You or your dog/s show any signs of illness please reschedule your booking. We will not be held responsible for any illness contracted by any dog or person who uses Our Field. We do allow You to still bring your dog/s if they are in season.

The use of the Field is for personal/recreational use only (including dog walkers).

You will inform Us immediately if any accidental damage occurs.

You agree that You are fully responsible for your dog/s whilst in the playing Field/parking area and will not leave your dog/s unattended at any time.

All dogs should be insured under their owner's public liability insurance.

You agree that You take full financial responsibility for any damage caused by You or your dog (regardless of who may be to blame) and/or that You have suitable third-party dog insurance.

You will notify Us immediately should You become aware of any holes or damage to any fence or gate so that We can alert other users and repair it as soon as possible.

You agree that your use of the playing Field/parking area, is entirely at your own risk and as such, agree not to hold Us responsible for any injury to You, your family/friends or your dog(s). You accept that the Field may have areas of uneven ground or holes which could be concealed under long grass or other vegetation, has trees with low hanging branches, may have trees with branches or twigs that may fall or have fallen and/or could contain other hazards consistent with the countryside.

We accept no liability for any damages, losses, claims, actions, costs/expenses or other liability incurred by You when using the playing Field/parking area.

Sessions begin on the hour for 50 minutes. Please promptly vacate the field/adjacent woodland & parking area by 50 minutes past the hour.


We reserve the right to:

·        Close the playing Field/parking area at any time, for any reason.

·        Ask any user to leave the playing Field/parking area at any time for any reason.

The use of the playing Field does not constitute any rights over any of the land.